Friday, 28 February 2020

Constitution of India ---- study material 3!!! Civil service examination notes!!! tnpsc, upsc, other exams!!! ЁЯе░

Constitution of India

1. How long did it take to drafting the Constitution of India?
                   2years 11 months 18 days

2. Name the languages in which the original Constitution was written?
                    Hindi and English

3. Who is Constitutional head of the Indian Union?

4. From which nation the directive principles of state policy in the Indian Constitution has been adopted?

5. What is the Constitutional name of India?
                    Republic of India

Thank you!!!

Stay tuned for the updates about Indian politics!!!
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Constitution of India --- Study material 2 !!! tnpsc and upsc exam material!!!ЁЯе░ all data's!!!

1. Which article manifests the uniform civil code for the Indian CitiZen's?
                                 Article 44

2. Which article elaborates the executive power of the union?
                                 Article 53

3. Which article proclaims the eligibility of re-election?
                                Article 57

4. By using which article the disqualification of members of assembly are done?
                               Article 102

5. Which article manifests the restrictions on discussion in parliament?

                               Article 121

6. From which country borrowed the distribution of Power between the union and state government policy?


7. By which legislation India and Pakistan were divided into two independent nations?

            Indian Independence act of 1947

8. Which day is observed as Indian Constitution day or Samvidhan Divas?


9. Who appoints the chief election commissioner of India?

                         President of India

10. Who is the first deputy Prime Minister of India?

              Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

11. Who was the Governer – general during India’s Independence?

                 Lord Mountbatten

12. Who is the famous writer of ‘ Introduction to the Constitution of India’?

              Durga Das Basu

13. Who said this famous quote that “ Constitution is not a mere lawyers documents, it is a vehicle of life, and it’s spirit is always the spirit of age”?

                  Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

14. Who appoints the Comptroller and Auditor General(CAG)?

                   President of India

15. CAG --- Comptroller and Auditor General of India is an authority established by article 148 of the Constitution of india, which audits all receipts and expenditure of the government of India and the state governments including those of bodies and authorities substantially financed by the government.

16. Who can proclaim a financial emergency?

                  President of India

17. How long the National emergency can be imposed?

             6 months can be extended to another 6 months

18. Who was the legal advisor to the Constitution's drafting committee?

             B. N. Rau

Thank you!!!
Feel free to drop ur mind!!!

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Constitution of India--- questions!!! Upsc, Tnpsc study materials!!!ЁЯШН

Constitution of India

1. Which is the world’s longest Constitution?
                Constitution of India

2. How many articles were present during the commencement of Constitution of India?

                 395 articles, 12 parts and 8 schedules

3. How many words are there in our Constitution?

                  145,000 words

4. Which is the second largest active Constitution in the world?
                  Constitution of India

5. When did they adopt our Constitution?
                   26th November 1949

6. When did our Constitution come to an effect?
                    26th January 1950

7. Where did our Constitution borrow the concept of single citizenship and the legislative procedure from?

                    United Kingdom

8. Which Constitution is the shortest Constitution in the world?


9. Which one is the oldest Constitution in the world?
                   Constitution of  United States                       of America

10. Which is the most flexible Constitution on the world?

                    United kingdom

11. Which countries have the uncodified Constitution or no written Constitution in the world?

                  Israel, Newzealand, Saudi      Arabia, united Kingdom and Canada

12. Uncodified Constitution---- rules were found in various documents, not having single document or written Constitution

13. At present how many articles are there in our Constitution?

                   448 articles

14. Parts---- 25
15. Schedules---- 12
16. Appendices---- 5
17. Amendments---- 101

18. Who is known as the architect of our Constitution?

                      Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

19. Fundamental rights of Indian constitution are guaranteed to all the citizens of India

20. Which article abolishes the practice of untouchability?

                      Article 17

21. Which article gives the right for education?

                     Article 21A

22. Which article prohibits the human trafficking and forced labourer?

                    Article 23

23. Which article endows right to organize Village panchayats?

                   Article 40

24. Article 40:
          The state shall take steps to organise Village panchayats and endows them with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self government.

Constitution of India part 3

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Current affairs--- February month!!!

February 1
1. To empower the women, government has announced 26 weeks of maternity leave.

2. Lt. Gen Rajeev Chopra has been appointed as the director general of NCC.

3. Isro has unveiled a human space flight centre in Bengaluru on Jan 30th by former Isro chairman K. Kasturi rangana and current Chairman K. Sivan.

4. Punit Goenka has been re- elected as the Chairman of BARC replacing Nakul Chopra.
Punit Goenka--- managing director, CEO, zee Entertainment enterprises ltd.

5. Sunjay Sudhir  has been appointed as India's Ambassador to the Maldive s

6. Whatsapp has announced the ' Startup India - whatsapp grand challenge' in which top five start-ups will be receiving a grant total of $250000.

7. The captain of Indian women's cricket team Mithali raj has become the first female to play 200 ODIs.

February 2

1. The first meeting of Lokpal search panel was held in New Delhi . It has been headed by Judge Ranjana Prakash Desai.

2. 42nd Indian Coast Gaurd day was obseree on 1st February 2020.

3. The central government has appointed Madhya Pradesh Cadre IPS officer Rishi kumar shukla as the director of the CBI.

4. World wet lands day is celebrated every year on 2nd February.

5. Actress Deepika padukone has been appointed as the chairperson of Mumbai Academy of moving image, replaced film makers Kiran Rao.

6. Robert Holmes Swan was named interim chief executive officer of Intel corporation.

February 3

1. Kala Ghoda Arts festival India's largest multi- cultural street festival, has started in Mumbai. 

2. Uzbekistan has lifted the ban on teaching political science in the country. Earlier it was banned in 2015 under a decree issued by President Islam Karimov as it is a western pseudoscience which doesn't support the 'Uzbek Model' of development.

3. According to Jason's periodic labour force survey, India's unemployment rate hit a 45 year high of 6.1% in 2017-2018.

4. South Korean midfielder, Ki Sung -yueng has announced his retirement from International foot ball.

BARC-  Broadcast Audience Research Council 
CBI- Central Bureau of Investigation
NCC- National cadet corps
NSSO's- National sample survey office

Thank you!!!
Drop ur feedbacks!!!

Now students Can sleep at class room with teachers permission!!! Doesn't it sounds crazy??? here u go!!!

Students can sleep in class room!!! -Fit India movement.

Incredible news for students!!!

Fit India Movement

Fit India movement was launched by our sitting PM Thiru. Narendra Modi ji on 29 August 2019 at Indira Gandhi Stadium in New Delhi. This is a nation wide movement to encourage people to stay healthy and fit both physically and mentally.

March month

Fit India Movement is going to organize March month as a month for  mental health and stability. The Education department of India has sent  some agendas  to follow.

1. School administration should allow students to have 5 minutes 'Power nap' to refresh their mind

2. School administration should include indoor games such as Sudoku, word games, cross words etc., as activities for students. This make them to improve memory power and logical power.

April month

 During this month school should arrange 10 minutes for students to have exercise to remain healthy and fit. This will impact in their mental strength.


Students should participate in literature events. It is administration’s duty to arrange events for students to participate. According to school education department.

This might be a good initiative by our government.
Hats off!!!

Constitution of India part 3 click the link

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acts passed before the Independence

CAT Poem!!!!